Every one should check out her blog! She is an amazing artist! I really cant believe she will follow me but I am very honored!
Here is a pic of my 2nd favorite pairing so far. It is a very simple design but I love the colors! I guess you cant really tell by the pictures ( I am still learning how to get good shots of my pairings) the shirt is a cream color and the colors of the bracelet remind me of a good strong cup of mocha latte. (I do love my coffee! ) I wear them with a pair of brown capris and eventually I would like to make a necklace to match but I haven't yet branched out that far.

Family Notes
My mother in law finished the alterations on my daughters prom dress. She looks amazing in it! I will definitely post pics when I get them and you can see what I mean!
Always believe!
I like this alot- very earthy!