Thursday, November 11, 2010

I so needed to share this with my Veteran Friends

You all should still read the previous post but I so had to share this comment that I received on my "Creating the Hive" post it is from Debbie Buckland @ ArtyCrafty I wanted to make sure that if you weren't part of the "Hive" and a Veteran you saw this.

Even though I am on the other side of the world (New Zealand) and not a US resident or citizen I am very grateful for those in the US that protect us from terrorists and have also fought for the rest of the "free world."
 Your work is not unnoticed here at the bottom of the world. 

When I read this comment it literally warmed my heart as we often hear from other parts of the world that we are not welcome.  Thank you so much Debbie you are special in your own right and have earned a friend today.  

Hugs and Blessings

1 comment:

I so love visitors so please let me know you were here so I don't get lonely! Cyber Hugs!