Sunday, November 14, 2010

Don't read this because I want these all to myself

As the Queen, Empress, President and CEO of Julsbeads fan club( stalker too but that is just between us OK) I am obligated to post the Awesomest Giveaway she has posted.  Now I am hoping that you will all realized that I want to be one of the 3 (yes 3) winners of this fabulishousness and that you just can't find it in your heart to deny me these and choose not to enter!  But in case you are just as selfish as I am LOOK at these pretties!

Let me tell you also that if you have never had one of her beads in your hot little hand you are so missing out!  These are of the highest fairy peed on quality to come out of a shiny little shack eva!!!!!! So once again please do not click the link, do not post your desires and do not tell her that I am stalking her!  That is supposed to be between us!


  1. Oh man-- sorry Kristen-- I feel the need to compete with you..Those are gorgeous!

  2. You are too funny! Love the post - I have a smile on my face. And, the stalking bit, that makes two of us!!!

  3. I'll make you a deal--If I win, I'll split my winnings with you!

  4. Didn't I tell you all not to read this! Jeepers how is a girl ever going to win with competition like you sweet ladies around!

    Hugs and Good Luck (you will all need it)

  5. If anyone deserves the beads, other than me of course, is you. Will you share with me???
    Miss you. I am home now.

  6. Ohh yea I saw her Giveaway! I hope that YOU will lol! My bead stash is soo low but I always seem to have "just enough". ox


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