Tuesday, January 3, 2012

I really did *Grow* in 2011.

Today I am getting back to normal and checking out all the blogs I have so missed and I will be replying to all your sweet and funny comments.  But as I started reading though the blogs this morning I realized I had picked a word at the start of 2011.  I had chosen to *Grow*.  Not only in my beadwork but also in my friendships and family relationships.  You know what?  I really did Grow.
First I branched out into the Facebook world to meet and befriend so of my favorite designers and bloggers.  Yes Facebook is at times so much easier to get to than the blogs and for this year I have to make sure to keep a balance of them both.  I made some spectacular friendships that never would have happened had I not taken this leap.  You all know who you are and I hope you know what you mean to me.  (You probably do because I am such a sap I tend to tell you all the time)

Second I came to grips on what relationships work for me and when to just go with the flow and not cause ripples that would generally end up drowning me in guilt.  It is a wonderful thing to know when it is time to just let go of trying to be something you are not.  A very freeing feeling indeed.  I did have some backlash but overall so much better for me not having to work so hard to please the unpleasable.

And Finally I did grow as a beader.  I was truly blown away by this realization when a friend of mine first called me "the Macguyver" of beadweaving because I have a tendency to change up a pattern to fit my stash.  Yes I am forced to do this but it also stretched my creativity and problem solving so much that I did in fact design 3 different pieces that are all out of my beady brain.  WOW!  AND it seems that with the joining of the Beading Babes another fantastic surprise has happened.  I have sent my "Turtle's Paradise" necklace to Interveave to be professionally photographed and may just appear in the April/May issue of Beadwork along side some of my fellow Babes!  YAY! 

Then this same friend told me that she had watched me go from a newbie beader to bead artist.  OMG did she really call me a "Bead Artist"?  Yes she did.  I will tell you that yes it is both amazing and scary at the same time that my skills have grown to this level.  First, I have begun to look at beads in a whole new way and second I have begun to dream about where to take the stitch.  

So I will leave you with a few pictures of the beginning of this years creations to my most recent.  Do you think I have fulfilled my goal to *Grow* this year?  I haven't yet picked a word for 2012 but I will let you know.

Hugs and Blessings


  1. Beautiful Kristen!!!! Growth is a wonderful thing - and the best part about creative growth is anyone can keep growing if they put their heart into it (which you clearly do!) All the best in 2012!!!

  2. Happy New Year! I love all your pieces. They are great, such lovely work.

  3. Gorgeous work! I look forward to seeing what word you pick for 2012!

  4. I love all your pieces, Kristen. It's funny that you chose the word grow last year because that's a word I feel best describes how I want to proceed this year! Can't wait to see what you accomplish this year!

  5. Can I just have your jewelry box? Wow girl, I had forgotten about all those beauties! Yep, I think you are an official bead artist! And a great friend!

  6. It's fantastic to see your work grow... and I am so happy that Beading Babes has been part of your growth. I can't wait to see what you 2012 brings!


  7. Your beading IS beautiful. You look like an ARTIST to me!!

    Seriously, you have made some stunning pieces and have much to be proud of as you put 2011 in review.
    xx, Carol

  8. Yes I DO think you grew - lots and lots. In important ways, and not just as an artist, but you did indeed grow as an artist, and I am SO glad for you and proud for you!!! I've been pondering my word for 2012 all morning, and it's almost come to me... almost, lol. You do lovely work, my friend. :) Love to you.

  9. I'm glad you finally feel like an artist, we've all known you were one!

    Congrats on beadwork!! How exciting.

    I've been trying to be on facebook, and it's one of my new years resolutions to get uactive on it.

  10. Yes you did grow. Every piece has your name on it. Beauty.

  11. I'm telling you... If I was stranded on a deserted island with a box of beads and one other person, I'd want it to be you, Macguyver!!! YOU would figure out a way to bead us a boat and away we would float! After all, you figured out my design dilemma!

    Happy new year sweet friend!

  12. You absolutely did grow as an artist Miss Kristen! I think that it is not a good day unless I learn something new. I think that you had a lot of really good days from looking back at this post! I am going to reveal my word soon too. I have decided what it will be, the words just need to percolate a bit longer before I can share. Enjoy the day. Erin

  13. Oh, yeah! Growth in leaps and bounds, my friend! Congratulations on it all. You do outstanding work and you do it all artistically and creatively. I'm proud to call you my friend!


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